Daricel Serrano Javier

Forbidden Affair #04
Acrylic on canvas 24"x 24"
Illusions of the Mind #02
9"x 12" Tech Pen
Prey of Betrayal
48"x 24" Acrylic on canvas
 About the artist...

Daricel Serrano Javier- was born on October 3, 1959. She finished her elementary education in Sinait, Ilocos Sur. Went to high school at the Immaculate Heart of Mary College in Quezon City. Just out from a sheltered provincial life in Sinait, Ilocos Sur, her parents thought it best for her to stay in the college dormitory where rules had to be strictly followed. No visitors were allowed except her parents. A chaperon was required when going out of the dorm. Very seldom that she was allowed to attend parties. A young teen like her would have rebelled from boredom and from being away from home too soon- but not Daricel. To pass the time away, she started to doodle and draw, started liking it and found out that her simple artworks allowed her to express her feelings- her joys and even her growing up pains. The young artist was discovered by Sister Bernardita D. C., the principal in grade school who was impressed by her drawings. The school's yearbook "The Dovelet", became her first published work. The experienced heightened her interest in the arts that she decided to enroll at the College of the Holy Spirit in Mendiola, took Fine Arts major in Interior Design but later shifted to Advertising. She could have gone to greater heights in her chosen field after graduation but marriage to the love of her life, Michael Flores Javier and their family became her priority. Her profession became an option. Finally, after 32 years and almost done with parental responsibility, she is back to her first love of creating works of art...and doing it with the passion and hard work of the teen she was once. Daricel believed that "Life is UNBELIEVABLY hard to UNDERSTAND yet UNDENIABLY BEAUTIFUL"! She hardly understand how life can be so bad and yet she struggles to make it good in her artworks.This time though, she is not just expressing her feelings. She has created her self and is sharing her joys and her pains through her artworks. Indeed, as G.B. Shaw said, "Life is not about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself". 
WRITER: Arlene U. Prudenciado